Total Medals Earned: 1,681 (From 210 different games.) Total Medal Score: 27,585 Points
Medals Earned: 13/13 (415/415 points)
kill 50 enemies
kill 100 enemies
drive 100 km
get 10 repair kits
complete 3 special missions
read the help at least one time
get 100 cash bonusses
use rockets 50 times
complete the level without using rockets
complete the level with 100% health
complete 9 special missions
defeat the tank
purchase all of the cars in the shop
Medals Earned: 2/10 (10/320 points)
Switch the dimension 8 times in a single level.
Complete 3 levels.
Continue your journey.
Get beaten up.
Get squeezed.
Get hit by a blade.
Die 8 times in a single level and don't give up.
Complete a level without switching to the Shadow Dimension.
Collect every soul.
Get a gold medal in every level.
Medals Earned: 2/8 (15/200 points)
Begin game and kill your first enemy
Complate level without repair
Use special buttons and Follow us on Twitter or like our page on Facebook
Build more 75 towers or energy station
Upgrade more 15 towers to the max level
Kill more 100 units
Complete game
Get all others medals
Medals Earned: 5/10 (70/290 points)
10 flips performed in 3 levels
Get 20 stars
Get 100 stars
Get 250 stars
Flying up through the 27 rings
Level completed with 100% health
Race completed with coffee stain
Unlock all levels
Find a ruby
Level completed in reverse
Medals Earned: 6/23 (65/270 points)
Reach zone 2.
Stomp on two birds in a single jump.
Reach zone 6.
Reach zone 4.
Unlock and purchase any hat.
Reach zone 9.
Stomp on 8 birds.
Collect 150 crystals.
Perform 25 perfect jumps.
Fly at maximum altitude for a total of 45 seconds.
Stomp on 16 birds in a single game.
Stomp on 45 birds.
Collect 2,000 crystals.
Perform 250 perfect jumps.
Fly at maximum altitude for a total of 2.5 minutes.
Stomp on 125 birds.
Collect 10,000 crystals.
Perform 1000 perfect jumps.
Fly at maximum altitude for a total of 8 minutes.
Bounce on 3 consecutive mushrooms without touching the ground.
Reach zone 3 without picking up any crystals on zone 2 (except on the final ramp).
Fly away into the sunrise.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/50 points)
Unlock First 8 Levels
Unlock first 16 levels
Unlock first 24 levels
Beat all the levels
Medals Earned: 5/13 (65/335 points)
Beat the first world
Beat the second world
Beat the third world
Barely reach the exit
Stay close to the worm
It's a secret!
Don't tell anyone!
Kill everyone in level 7
Beat the boss
Own every gun
Collect all the coins
Beat the worm levels and secret level without using the acid-walk boots
Medals Earned: 4/8 (45/245 points)
Earn at least 200 000 points in one game
Answer the first question
Answer 15 questions in one Classic mode game
Answer 100 different questions
Win a million without using the hints or switching away from the game
Successfully complete Marathon mode
Successfully finish the game in Time Trial mode
Earn all the 32 in-game achievements
Medals Earned: 2/2 (15/15 points)
Medals Earned: 5/5 (195/195 points)
Half Of All Elements Discovered
Nuclear Bomb Discovered
7 Mortal Sins
All Element Discovered
All Elements Discovered With No Hints (actually, you can ONE hint)