
AvengedSoul's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,681 (From 210 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 27,585 Points

LARRY: Doug-Out

Medals Earned: 3/7 (85/270 points)

Maxed Weapons 10 Points

Max upgrades in weapons.

Bloody Doug 25 Points

Beat doug to his bloodiest.

Endurance Master 50 Points

Last up to day 15.

Best Quality In Town 10 Points

Max upgrades in ale quality.

Perfect Run 25 Points

Beat a level past day 5 without losing any ale from doug.

Maxed Money 50 Points

Earn over $2000 in one day.

Massive Score 100 Points

Reach a score of 1 million

LARRY: Gnomergeddon

Medals Earned: 2/9 (100/435 points)

Lil Gnome Thumper 50 Points

Kill 50 small gnomes

Power Puncher 50 Points

Kill a Gnome Power Mage

Pot Shot Larry 10 Points

Kill 10 Gnomes in a row using only your Sling

Anger MisManagement 25 Points

Kill 30 Gnomes in a single level in one burst of Rage

Corpse Looter 50 Points

collect 10 gems

Down-Whacks are Crack 50 Points

Kill every Gnome in a level using only Sprint Leap Attacks

Gnome Assassin 50 Points

Kill 25 Medium Gnomes

Ice Cracker 50 Points

Kill a Gnome Ice Mage

Miner Muncher 100 Points

Kill 5 Gnome Miners

LARRY: Pup Run

Medals Earned: 2/7 (15/75 points)

Barely Broken 5 Points

Smash through a brick wall and survive!

Hungry Muncher 10 Points

Eat 50 pieces of fruit in a single run

Crushing Victory 5 Points

break 20 hurdles in a single run

Doug Mount 10 Points

find and ride Doug, the town drunk!

Fresh and Fruity 10 Points

eat a super rare Pineapple!

Super Dog 10 Points

Ride Pup at full speed, uninterrupted for 10 seconds

Closest Shave Ever 25 Points

Jump over 5 spinning blades in a single Run

Leave Cthulhu Alone

Medals Earned: 8/15 (85/280 points)

Bomb a Shield 5 Points

You have destroyed a shield with Professor Bomb!

Level 1 5 Points

You have completed the first and easiest level!

Lunatic Fringe 5 Points

You have made a Monster Loonie!

Mystic Moider 5 Points

You've killed with the mystic!

Professor Bomb 5 Points

You have slain with the Professor Bomb!

Cop Bat 10 Points

You have poisoned someone with cop bat!

Close Call 25 Points

You have killed an invader in the ritual chamber!

Shield Slapper 25 Points

You've taken out a shield with a Detective Monster!

Level 10 10 Points

You are getting into the nitty-gritty!

Rival Schooling 10 Points

You've killed a Rival!

Level 20 25 Points

You are way deep in it now!

Maniac Cop 25 Points

You've taken out a cop with a lunatic!

Rival Meets Lightning 25 Points

You killed a Rival with a Mystic Monster!

Rival Love Tap 50 Points

You killed a Rival with a Detective Monster!

WINNER 50 Points

You have completed the game! Amazing!

Mad Skeletons

Medals Earned: 6/21 (35/500 points)

Level 1 5 Points

Level 1 completed

Level 2 5 Points

Level 2 completed

Level 3 5 Points

Level 3 completed

Level 4 5 Points

Level 4 completed

Level 5 5 Points

Level 5 completed

Level 6 10 Points

Level 6 completed

Level 10 10 Points

Level 10 completed

Level 7 10 Points

Level 7 completed

Level 8 10 Points

Level 8 completed

Level 9 10 Points

Level 9 completed

Level 11 25 Points

Level 11 completed

Level 12 25 Points

Level 12 completed

Level 13 25 Points

Level 13 completed

Level 14 25 Points

Level 14 completed

Level 15 25 Points

Level 15 completed

Level 16 50 Points

Level 16 completed

Level 17 50 Points

Level 17 completed

Level 18 50 Points

Level 18 completed

Level 19 50 Points

Level 19 completed

Level 20 50 Points

Level 20 completed

Level 21 50 Points

Level 21 completed

Madness Ambulation

Medals Earned: 3/6 (40/215 points)

Daily Driver 5 Points

Clobber a civilian, and feel good about doing it.

Truckstopper 10 Points

Send an Armored Truck off the deep end.

Atheist 25 Points

Survive the wrath of Jesus without hitting a single Zombie...

Undertaker 25 Points

...or hell, hit every single one.

Sharpshooter 50 Points

Score an Unstoppable kill combo with the pistol.

Improbability Drive 100 Points

Survive past Wave 10, into the Impossible Zone.

Madness: Air assault

Medals Earned: 3/9 (15/305 points)

medal of instructions 5 Points

Read all the instructions of the game

medal of the credits 5 Points

Watch the credits of the game

medal of the loser 5 Points

Lose against the boss

medal of the player 5 Points

Replay the game after completing it in hard mode

medal of the researcher 10 Points


medal of the hero 25 Points

Defeat the boss and complete the game in normal mode

medal of the immortal 50 Points

Get a total score of 2500 or more points in normal mode

medal of the millionaire 100 Points

Get a total score of 5700 or more points in hard mode, very difficult!

medal of the superhero 100 Points

Defeat the boss and complete the game in hard mode

Meaty Boner

Medals Earned: 8/8 (150/150 points)

Beat Level 1 5 Points

Pass the first stage of the Castle

Meaty Meal Time 5 Points

Eat the meat off of a werewolf

Raging Hot Boner 5 Points

Pick up the ability to imbue your fists with fire

Beat Level 2 10 Points

Pass the Second stage of the Castle

Beat Level 4 25 Points

Pass the fourth stage of the Castle

Beefy Boner 25 Points

Absorb enough meat to become a Meaty Boner

Bone the Head 25 Points

Get into a fight with the big giant floating head thingy!

Beat Level 5 50 Points

Pass the fifth stage of the Castle

Mecha Dress Up Game

Medals Earned: 8/8 (200/200 points)

Mecha 1 50 Points

Build the robot from Brawl Royale.

Mecha 2 50 Points

Build the robot from Epic 1.

Mecha 3 50 Points

Build the robot from Epic 2.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Mechanical Ice Apocalypse

Medals Earned: 2/12 (10/225 points)

Lazors 5 Points

Get killed by the lasers

tldr 5 Points

Skip the story midway

Patience 5 Points

Watch the entire credits scene

Showoff 5 Points

Submit your high score

Story 5 Points

Listen to the entire story

Suicidal 5 Points

Die ten times

Bronze 10 Points

Finish under 3:20

Silver 25 Points

Finish under 2:50

Gold 50 Points

Finish under 2:20

Ninja 50 Points

Last four minutes without shooting

Winrar 50 Points

Kill the boss and save the world

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!